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© Sharon Garcia, Unsplash
Fight gray skies with rose-tinted glasses – or, rather, lenses that come in everything from acid brights to pop art primary colors. You’ll finding us waiting for the sun in style, in colored glasses destined to brighten up your everyday.
Since they made a comeback in 2017, tinted lenses have never been more on-trend, lifting a look and adding a little originality to an outfit. Lagoon blue, candy pink, lemon yellow and olive green are just a few of the rich tones on a new crop of lenses. It’s just what the doctor ordered for the depths of a cold, gray winter; we defy you to feel blue in a pair of colored glasses. And as if you needed another reason, they are not designed for strong summer light, making them perfect for the winter season.
No-one really thought colored lenses would stick the second time around, but for the past couple of years they have been a fixture during Fashion Week both on the runway and off, spotted on the noses of influencers who love good glasses and models alike. This 1970s throwback, popularized by the stars of the era as well as the hippy movement, actually saw the light of day a lot earlier. The first tinted lenses were made in 1752 by a British optician named James Ayscough, who designed the blue and green lenses to treat vision problems.
Since then, colored lenses have made several cult appearances on the big screen. Remember Brad Pitt’s bright red glasses in Fight Club or Johnny Depp’s famous yellow Ray-Bans in Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas? Some famous figures even had their glasses lenses specially tinted by the manufacturer, like Elton John, Bono and French figure of the cabaret world, Michou, who wore trademark blue glasses. Robert Downey Jr also made them his signature, frequently swapping in blue, yellow and red lenses.
If seeing life through a filter appeals, think carefully before choosing your glasses. Are you sure you won’t go off the color? Tinted lenses are a bold statement, but they are also one you could get tired of. Think about how you will use them as well, would you wear them as sunglasses or in place of your prescription glasses? Make sure you check the sun protection rating if you’re thinking of using them as sunnies and never go on the depth of the color itself – darker shades do not necessarily mean that they will protect you efficiently, you should be looking for a protection rating of at least 3 whatever the color. If you want to add colored lenses to your prescription glasses, go for a lighter shade to avoid getting fed up with them and ask your optician’s advice: they will be able to advise you on the color depending on how you are planning on using them.