Termes & Conditions
EYESEEmag.com Terms & Conditions
Arnaud Mange, Managing Director and Publisher
EYESEEmag.com is published by BLC QUELQUE CHOSE EN PLUS Siren N° 438 970 238 with a capital of €8,000
12, Avenue Alcime Albert 92700 Colombes
Tel. +33 (0)1 47 86 16 84
© EYESEEmag.com/BLC QUELQUE CHOSE EN PLUS– All rights reserved
The site EYESEEmag.com is hosted by OVH France – 2 rue Kellermann – 59100 Roubaix – France, RCS Lille 424 761 419 00045
‘EYESEEmag.com’ is a website dedicated to luxury, fashion, interiors and beauty, as well as all kinds of fashion accessories, including glasses and eyewear, accessible via EYESEEmag.com.
The website is owned by BLC QUELQUE CHOSE EN PLUS, headquartered at 12, avenue Alcime Albert 92700 Colombes
Use of the online services provided by BLC QUELQUE CHOSE EN PLUS require full adherence to the current conditions of use.
BLC QUELQUE CHOSE EN PLUS reserves the right, at any moment, to change or update the pages of its sites, the services offered, any prices involved and the conditions of use that apply to them.
Any modifications will come into effect as soon as they are live on EYESEEmag.com. In continuing to navigate around the site and use the services offered on EYESEEmag, the user is presumed to have acceptedthese modifications.
In making use of the services offered, the user commits to respect the following rules:
To respect all laws in force, and respect the rights of third parties;
Not to use EYESEEmag.com for any advertising or commercial gain, notably by re-using part or all of its content on a third-party site, and/or copying information;
Not to use platforms of any kinds that enable the reconstitution of all or part of the original files;
To share only, in any form, information and content that pertains to reality;
Not to hold or offer text and/or offer to share, in any form, content that contravenes the rights of any other person or organization, or that is defamatory, harmful, obscene or violent in nature, or that incites to political, racist or xenophobic violence, and more generally, any content that is contrary to the objectives of EYESEEmag, or to the laws and rules currently in force, personal rights and public order and correct behavior; in particular, photographs, videos and more generally, all information, data or files supplied by a user to EYESEEmag.com should be correct and refer exclusively to that user, or, if they refer to a third party, should be submitted with that person’s expressed authorization for use;
Not to share, in any form, information and content that could prevent or disrupt the normal use of EYESEEmag.com, stop or slow the usual flow of communication with web users, including but not limited to software, viruses and block emailing;
Not to share, in any form, information and content that includes links to third-party sites of illegal character, notably contrary to decent and correct behavior and/or that do not conform to the objectives of EYESEEmag.com.
In the case of a contravention of one or several of these rules by a user, BLC QUELQUE CHOSE EN PLUS reserves the right to automatically delete the litigious content concerned, whatever their nature, to prevent the publication of all or part of the said content and/or to block access by the user concerned to all or part of these services, without any possibility of recourse by that user.
Moreover, to facilitate use of EYESEEmag.com and to enable BLC QUELQUE CHOSE EN PLUS to offer personalized services and to improve site content, the user is informed that one or more cookies may be dropped onto his hard drive.
The user is also informed that he can remove any cookies by following the process for his particular browser, in which case use of EYESEEmag.com may be disrupted or rendered impossible.
BLC QUELQUE CHOSE EN PLUS commits to respect the confidentiality of email messages received from users.
In the course of its work to offer online services, BLC QUELQUE CHOSE EN PLUS may be required to collect a certain amount of personal data. In line with article 34 of the French law on information technology and freedoms of January 6, 1978, updated in 2004, the user has the right to access, change, rectify and delete all data that concerns them.
To exercise these right, you can:
Request to see your personal data collected, by email at the following address: accesamesdonneespersonnelles@eyeseemag.com.
Or, request the deletion of your personal data at the following email address: removemesdonneespersonnelles@eyeseemag.com.
A single request will cover all data relating to you held by BLC QUELQUE CHOSE EN PLUS.
Or, you can write to us at the postal address in the final paragraph of this page, indicating the object of your request. A written request must be signed and include a photocopy of your identity card or passport bearing your signature. The request must include the address at which we should send our response. We have 1 (one) month from the receipt of our request to respond.
All emails sent by EYESEEmag.com or BLC QUELQUE CHOSE EN PLUS include an unsubscribe link at the bottom, via which you can unsubscribe from the distribution list in a single click. You can also unsubscribe by contacting us via the details above.
The EYESEEmag.com sites, published by BLC QUELQUE CHOSE EN PLUS, have respectively been the subject of a declaration to the CNIL (the French National Commission for Information Technology and Freedoms), under the numbers: XX
All elements that constitute the site EYESEEmag.com (text, graphics, software, images, sound, maps, names, brands, logos, databases etc.) as well as the sites themselves, conform to French and international legislation concerning copyright and intellectual property. These elements are the exclusive property of BLC QUELQUE CHOSE EN PLUS.
BLC QUELQUE CHOSE EN PLUS enjoys an intellectual property rights-free license covering content supplied by users for use on the site EYESEEmag.com.
This license includes the right of BLC QUELQUE CHOSE EN PLUS to reproduce, represent, adopt, translate, digitize, use for advertising, commercial or non-commercial gain, to sub-license, to yield content relating to the user (information, images, videos, descriptions, search criteria, etc.) on all platforms and means of publication.
The rights of use conceded by BLC QUELQUE CHOSE EN PLUS are strictly limited to the access, download, printing, reproduction via any means (hard disk, floppy disk, CD ROM) and the use of these documents for private and personal use.
All other use is forbidden without the express prior authorization of BLC QUELQUE CHOSE EN PLUS.
Otherwise, the user engages his civil and/or criminal liability and exposes themselves to sanctions.
The user is forbidden to change, copy, reproduce, download, share, commercially exploit and/or distribute in any way the services and pages, texts and photographs of EYESEEmag.com.
The publication of any links to EYESEEmag.com from a third-party site also require the express prior permission of BLC QUELQUE CHOSE EN PLUS.
The user recognizes that the Internet is an open network made up of interconnections of information technology systems around the world. These networks may not all have the same communications capacity and user policies, their functioning cannot be guaranteed.
Therefore, the user accepts the risk of server outage.
Access to online services is open seven days a day, 24 hours a day, with the exception of an act of force majeure, maintenance operations and the necessary support work to enable usual functioning.
In the case of an interruption to online services for maintenance work or to remedy a technical difficulty, BLC QUELQUE CHOSE EN PLUS cannot be held responsible.
Force majeure, exonerating BLC QUELQUE CHOSE EN PLUS of all responsibility, includes: natural disaster, strike, fire, war, riot, attack, electricity outage, transport blockage or communications network difficulties, loss of server connection due to actions by public or private operators on which BLC QUELQUE CHOSE services rely.
In view of the level of security in place, BLC QUELQUE CHOSE EN PLUS cannot be held responsible for the direct or indirect consequences of a malfunction of the system used for online services, or fraudulent access to said system that constitutes an offence under articles L323-1of the French penal code.
BLC QUELQUE CHOSE EN PLUS cannot be held responsible for material errors in data handling (entry errors) to which they should be alerted by the user she they find any, so that BLC QUELQUE CHOSE EN PLUS can correct them.
BLC QUELQUE CHOSE EN PLUS cannot be held responsible for the accuracy or inaccuracy of content supplied by EYESEEmag.com users.
Any contestations that could arise from the interpretation, acceptance and execution of the current General Conditions of Use, will be the object of an attempt to settle amicably, that the parties commit to finding.
Beyond a period of one (1) month, the Tribunaux de Paris are the only competent body authorized to rule, even in the case of guarantee or several defendants.
The current General Conditions of Use are subject to French law.
BLC QUELQUE CHOSE EN PLUS 12, avenue Alcime Albert 92700 Colombes, France