
What do glasses mean in a dream?

Sometimes our dreams get to us so much that we just can’t stop thinking about them. If you’ve ever dreamt about glasses, it’s probably not a coincidence: in fact it probably means something very specific. So sit up, stay awake a bit longer and we’ll explain.

If you’ve ever dreamt of glasses, it could be that you’re unconscious is trying to tell you something. As modern technology allows us to design glasses that change the world around us more and more, a simple dream deserves just as much attention as the latest designs.

© Nick Hillier, Unsplash

© Johannes Plenio, Unsplash

© Vishal Banik, Unsplash

A troubling vision of life

Just like in the real world, wearing glasses in a dream could be a sign that we are not seeing correctly, in both a figurative and real sense. In La Symbolique des rêves (The meaning of dreams), Corinne Morel explains that “wearing glasses reveals a slight error in our perception of the external world”. Dreams specialist Marie Coupal confirms this idea in her book Dreams and their Symbols, explaining that dreaming about glasses indicates difficulty resolving a problem saying “we don’t fully grasp what really should be clear”.

So if you dream that you’re wearing glasses, it might be the time to think about your current situation and clear up a few things up. Don’t forget though that the meaning of dreams is an interpretation. All parts of a dream need to be understood to get its true meaning and everyone is free to believe whether or not the fantasy worlds of our dreams mean anything at all. Some may believe that our dreams are coded messages from our unconscious, hiding the answer to our doubts, desires and fears, while for others they are nothing more than what we have seen during the day, remixed and twisted by our imaginations. It’s a question that has fascinated our species for a long time, well before Freud and Jung appeared on the scene as the superstars of dream interpretation. There are examples of artwork dedicated to dreams stretching back to Antiquity and beyond. But let’s get back to glasses…

© Puneeth Shetty, Unsplash

© Quinn Buffing, Unsplash

© Montylov, Unsplash

Broken glasses, lost glasses and sunglasses: the different aspects to consider

According to different interpretations, dreaming about glasses could be a sign that we have a faulty vision of life. Wearing them could be positive because they show a desire to see more clearly and clear up problems that we encounter. But what happens if we lose our glasses

or break them in a dream? According to Tristan-Frédéric Moir, author of Nouveau Dictionnaire des rêves (The New Dictionary of Dreams), looking for our glasses could be a sign that we need help from something or someone external. Breaking our lenses signifies a feeling that we’re unable to make anything out clearly. Other interpretations suggest that broken glasses could indicate that a situation has shifted with a deep emotional or sentimental change at its heart.

There’s yet another meaning if you’ve dreamed about yourself wearing sunglasses,. For Marie Coupal, this comes from a desire to hide part of our personality by hiding our eyes. Very dark glasses can also signify a tendency to see the negative side of things or can represent a difficult period in our lives that must be lived through, albeit with a lot of sadness.

You may also have dreamt of the person you love rather than yourself. If they were wearing glasses when they don’t in real life, it could mean that you are overestimating them in a certain area. As for people with perfect vision who always dream about themselves wearing glasses, this could be an invitation from their unconscious to look at life more intensely according to Tristan-Frédéric Moir.

While waiting for your next opportunity to go to sleep, why not find something to dream about in our selection of the moment’s most luxurious glasses.

¹La Symbolique des rêves by Corinne Morel, published by Grancher

²Le Guide du rêve et de ses Symboles by Marie Coupal, pubished by J’ai Lu

³Le Nouveau Dictionnaire des Rêves by Tristan-Frédéric Moir, published by L’Archipel