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© Aurica Dina Kyra-Lotzkat, Pixabay
Winter may not have officially begun, but as the cold weather goes to prove, it certainly will soon. For those lucky enough to be hitting the slopes over the holidays, our selection of ski goggles catering for all budgets and tastes is not to be missed!
At high altitude and on the snow, the sun’s rays are made stronger and even more intense. The reflected light even magnifies the harmful effects of ultraviolet rays on our eyes. Fortunately, there are specially adapted ski goggles and sunglasses out there to protect them. They can also offer protection against the cold and the wind, while improving both your field of vision and depth perception. When choosing ski goggles or sunglasses, opt for photochromic lenses (which darken on exposure to sunlight) or lenses with polarized filters (which stop UV rays and prevent you from being blinded by glare) to minimize reflection, not to mention the harmful effect of the sun on your eyes.
Don’t forget to check the protection category of the lenses in your sunglasses or ski goggles. Ranging from 0 to 4, these categories deserve serious consideration – the higher they are, the better your eyes are protected. Category 0 only offers what you might call “aesthetic comfort”, i.e. minimal protection. Category 1 is ideal for weak levels of sunlight – in winter, for example – or when it is overcast. Category 2 is designed for average levels of sunlight, while category 3 is suitable for strong sunlight, i.e. in the summer, on the beach and when skiing or enjoying other winter sports. Finally, category 4 is the most powerful and reserved for exceptionally strong sunlight. Lenses offering this kind of protection are perfect for high altitudes and glacier hiking, where the reflection of the sunlight is compounded by ice and/or snow.