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Thinking about changing your glasses and want to brush up on current trends before visiting your optician? Head over to Instagram, where you’re bound to find something to suit.
Choosing new frames is neither trivial, nor easy. You may be used to wearing glasses of one particular shape or color. Even wondering whether to risk something radical, or if different colored frames will be enough to satisfy your desire for change. Life is full of uncertainty, but given that your glasses are one of the first things that people notice about you, it makes sense for you to feel sure about them. We’ve already shared our tips for choosing them (Four golden rules for choosing glasses), based on your face shape, for example, and what shade suits you best. Now it’s time to put all of that into practice. To help you on your way, here are five hashtags that promise to deliver the necessary inspiration on Instagram… in fact, some may seem so obvious you’ll wonder why you didn’t think of them already!
The eyewear hashtag brings up no less than five million results from all over the world. There are glasses for adults, children, sport, for partying, holidaying – not to mention showing off! Basically, anything goes. Over to you now, to wade through this ocean of inspiration at your fingertips.
As you might expect, this hashtag is brimming with fashion-forward inspiration. Think people matching their glasses to whatever else they’re wearing… and glasses chains galore! If you like to keep up with the latest trends and even stand out from the crowd, this hashtag is an excellent source of ideas when it comes to choosing your next frames.
Simple it may be, but this hashtag certainly gets results. From the grandpa in glasses posing with his grandson, to the cheerleader posting pics of herself with her specs and telling the world how she lost them in the sea, it’s all here. The best bit? An unfiltered (or as close as you’re ever going to get) look at how glasses are worn by real people like you and me.
This hashtag may be an obvious one, which actually explains why you might have missed it. There are nearly 800,000 posts on Instagram tagged #Lunettes. Among them, you’ll find plenty of instances of glasses being worn, as well as still-life photography of glasses on their own. However, we recommend that you put your trust in the ones of glasses being worn, so as to get the best idea of what might suit you best. Of course, these hashtags are for inspiration only, the final decision resting on your reflection in the mirror when you visit your opticians.
Over to Italy now, thanks to this hashtag meaning “glasses” in Italian. So, what can you expect? Almost one million posts and no shortage of ideas. You’ll find colorful frames from Italy, in ever more creative shapes and styles. Don’t worry though, the same hashtag also reveals plenty of sleek and sophisticated frames that anyone would be happy to get their hands on.